Recognizing The Signs He Wants You To Be His Girlfriend

Recognizing The Signs He Wants You To Be His Girlfriend

How do you know when a guy wants you to be his girlfriend? Many men show signs that may indicate they are ready for a relationship with you. Read on to learn more about recognizing when a man wants something more than casual and how working with a therapist can help you develop communication skills.

Where is your relationship going?

It’s natural to want to know where the relationship is going when you’ve been dating a guy-or if what you have would even qualify. Before you ask him outright and risk an awkward or disappointing conversation, look for signs that he wants to make you his girlfriend.

“Given the costs of failed relationships (e.g., personal distress, problems with work, lower well-being for children, lost opportunities to meet other partners), it is important to consider how individuals are approaching these decisions.” – Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy
