Through revalidation, nurses, midwives and nursing associates provide evidence of their continued ability to practise safely and effectively

Through revalidation, nurses, midwives and nursing associates provide evidence of their continued ability to practise safely and effectively

  • Patients and service users, and those who care for them, can use it to provide feedback to nurses, midwives and nursing associates about the care they receive.
  • Those on our register can use it to promote safe and effective practice in their place of work.
  • Employer organisations should support their staff in upholding the standards in their professional Code as part of providing the quality and safety expected by service users and regulators.
  • Educators can use the Code to help students understand what it means to be a registered professional and how keeping to the Code helps to achieve that.

For the many committed and expert practitioners on our register, this Code should be seen as a way of reinforcing professionalism. The Code is central to the revalidation process as a focus for professional reflection. Weiterlesen