9. You Always Need to Foot the Bill

9. You Always Need to Foot the Bill

Controlling behaviors usually start innocent enough but build up over time as you increasingly give your significant other more power in the relationship.

5. She’s Physically Abusive

Men are usually stereotyped as the ones who are likely to be physically abusive in a relationship, but women can also be aggressive with their partners.

In fact, many men find it hard to find someone to talk to about relationship abuse by women. If your partner is physically abusive in any way, this is a significant relationship red flag, and you should address it immediately.

6. She Gaslights You

It can take many forms, such as refusing to accept your point of view or making you doubt your memories.

She may say things like “you’re crazy” or “you must be imagining things,” which can make you feel you’re losing control of your relationship.

Gaslighting is a sign of an unhealthy relationship dynamic, so it’s essential to recognize it and get help if needed.

7. She Is Unreliable

Pay attention if your partner constantly flakes on plans, fails to show up when she says she will, or doesn’t follow through with promises.

8. She Refuses to Compromise

But she might refuse to be flexible with relationship expectations, not listen to your needs, or simply never want to do anything you want.

It may also signify that she sees her needs as more important than yours, which isn’t sustainable in a long-term relationship.

If your partner constantly makes you pay for meals, dates, or vacations, this could be a problem. Weiterlesen